Thursday, March 29, 2012

Graphic Design II - Kitchen of Meaning

The Kitchen of Meaning project is one where we needed to define a word by using illustrations and other elements of design. My assigned word was "zeitgeist". As a part of the project, we needed to provide a design synopsis and it is as follows:
"For a word that is defined as “the spirit of the times”, I went for a different approach from the American Flag idea to define zeitgeist. Since zeitgeist is based off of a certain time period, I decided to base my design on a time period that has much history behind it, the 1960’s. The 1960’s is represented on my poster by the color scheme, the typefaces I chose, and the different symbols that define the sprit of that time period. I decided to make a symbol for every person in the class and placed their names under them to show that the 1960’s was a time period that the people played a big part of, not just events or ideas." 

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