Thursday, March 29, 2012

Advance Typography - Weather Report

In this assignment, we used After Effects to animate a futuristic weather report. It needed to have 3 transitions so mine consisted of Location, Time, and Category. It may be abstract, but I feel I succeeded in creating a futuristic theme. I learned many After Effects skills with this project.

Graphic Design II - Kitchen of Meaning

The Kitchen of Meaning project is one where we needed to define a word by using illustrations and other elements of design. My assigned word was "zeitgeist". As a part of the project, we needed to provide a design synopsis and it is as follows:
"For a word that is defined as “the spirit of the times”, I went for a different approach from the American Flag idea to define zeitgeist. Since zeitgeist is based off of a certain time period, I decided to base my design on a time period that has much history behind it, the 1960’s. The 1960’s is represented on my poster by the color scheme, the typefaces I chose, and the different symbols that define the sprit of that time period. I decided to make a symbol for every person in the class and placed their names under them to show that the 1960’s was a time period that the people played a big part of, not just events or ideas." 

Graphic Design II - Instructional Design

Our goal of this project was to design a set of instructions for a certain goal that is easy to follow. My topic was "How to Mail a Package". My intentions were to create these instructions as if they were a link on the USPS website. These instructions were designed in Flash so that you can click through each step of the instructions with ease.

Image Methodology - Critical Mass

As a class, we had to take pictures of different objects and upload them to the class server. Using those objects, we needed to create a metaphor that represented a science topic. I decided to use all of the pictures in the server that were food items and recreate the Big Bang Theory. Instead of planets, the Big Bang Theory is represented by food in this video I created.

Image Methodology - Material Studies

Open publication - Free publishing - More design

Typography plays a big part in graphic design and in this project we had to materials in order to create a word. I studied materials such as utensils, head phones, and skate boards. This book shows the process of how I got to my final word which includes the different variations of the different materials I studied.

Image Methodology - Scales

As a project, we had to create a Tumblr account and post artwork that we used to answer questions. I chose my best three pieces of work to show in this blog and I created them in the international and constructivism styles. To view the rest of the assignments, you can click here for my blog: Tumblr

Image Methodology - Scavenger Hunt

Click here to view this project

This was my first project in Image Methodology and I had to take six different pictures that represent the different elements of design. Each picture had to have an element of design in common with the picture before it. Here is the list of the elements of designs I used as transitions:

Picture 1 to 2: Space
Picture 2 to 3: Line
Picture 3 to 4: Color
Picture 4 to 5: Texture
Picture 5 to 6: Shape

Graphic Design I - Personal Geography Interactive Map

For this map, we had to design our longest walk on campus in a well-designed, interactive manner. I created it in a way that you read my thoughts and see what I see on my trip from the Fine Arts building to the Huddle for lunch. This was the most challenging design project because I had to learn Flash and it can be stressful at times. Other than that, I enjoyed this project and learned a lot from it.

Graphic Design I - Blue Squares

As a class, our professor uploaded a video and we had to experiment with Adobe After Effects to try to replicate it. It was a challenging assignment but fun as well because we got to learn how to use After Effects. In After Effects, it is crucial to learn how to move objects, change opacity, rotation, and edit sound. We were able to learn all of those elements with this assignment.

Graphic Design I - Symbol Methodology

In Graphic Design I, we learned the process of creating symbols. It takes a lot of brainstorming and mixing your ideas together in order to come up with your final version. These are the three symbols I created that are based on my personality traits and characteristics from my hometown of El Paso. I also included a video that showed the process of combining symbols together to get to the final version.

Graphic Design I - Duck Illustrator Exercise

This was my first project in Graphic Design I and it was an exercise to for us to get used to the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator. I learned a lot from this project because the pen tool is an essential tool to use as a graphic designer. Even though my duck illustration has a few kinks here and there, I feel it is a good illustration for my first pen tool assignment. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Typography I - Type Specimen Book

Open publication - Free publishing - More design

A type specimen book is meant to showcase a certain typeface in an appealing way. I decided to showcase the typeface Gill Sans Std for my type specimen book. Gill Sans appealed to me because of all of the different variations, even though Eric Gill didn't create all of them I later learned. Gill Sans is often referred to as the "Helvetica of England", therefore I used that as my theme for this book. Here is the book in its entirety.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Typography I - Design Culture Now



Design Culture Now is a fictional event that we had to create a poster for. Since all the designers in the event use computers to create their design, I used a computer and technology based them for my poster. The original poster didn't work that well because the cube's angles aren't matched up very well and it still has issues with hierarchy. The revised one works much better with hierarchy and is also more visually appealing.